HeLLo technical worktable #2
Settembre 21, 2020
We’re back! With a new collaboration: the UNCHARTED project
Gennaio 30, 2021

On the last (official) day of our project, we want to thank you all for having accompanied us in the last 2 years and having joined us last Monday!

We are very glad to inform you that we received over 65 registrations (on average, 35 participants were following the web conference), from 15 countries around the globe (Algeria, Austria, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Moldova, Pakistan, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and UK)! More than 50% of the attendants were researchers or students (incl. PhD candidates), followed by 20% engineers and 14% architects.

Thanks again for following the event and all your questions.

Stay tuned for further developments! Arrivederci!