Cancellation of the “Laboratorio – Mettiamo il cappotto al palazzo del Duca! – Ferrara”
Marzo 18, 2020
New Open Access publication!
Maggio 19, 2020

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The website was born from the project “RE/ECAP: Rete Europa/Enti, Cittadini, Associazioni Partner” and it is coordinated by the Municipality of Ferrara. This platform is the result of the project candidate by the Municipality of Ferrara for the 2019 call for initiatives to promote European citizenship, financed by the Emilia Romagna Region in implementation of regional law no. 16 of 2008.
Progettaferrara is designed as a linking, collaboration and training tool for the partnership that supported the project’s candidacy.
The University of Ferrara, the Chamber of Commerce, SIPRO – Development Agency and the municipalities of Cento and Copparo will have space to publish their projects and related initiatives and the possibility of interacting in a community system, to weave knowledge and develop actions in synergy.